About Bowen Therapy
The ideal time for a Bowen Therapy session is immediately after an injury. That way, your body can overcome the trauma before it begins to compensate for it. (The compensations often create more problems in the long run than the initial trauma itself.) If you can’t get to a Bowen Therapy practitioner immediately, the sooner you can, the better. Within three days is ideal for the quickest and most complete recovery. Many people don’t find out about Bowen Therapy until weeks, months, or even years of trying other approaches or “learning to live with it.” If that’s the case with you, you’ll get the best results from your Bowen Therapy if you:
- Don’t have any other forms of bodywork for four days beforehand.
- Avoid heavy exercise on the day of your session.
- Don’t use ice or heat on the site of injury.
- Wear or bring light-weight, loose-fitting clothing that your practitioner can work through. Or be prepared to be worked on in your underclothes, under sheets or blankets for modesty and comfort.

Conditions that have been shown to respond include:
Back pain — lower, upper, mid-back, bunions, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder groin tension or pain, hammer toes, hamstring pain or tightness, jaw pain / misalignment, knee pain, neck pain, restricted range of motion, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, sacro-iliac pain, scoliosis, shin splints, sporting injuries, sprained ankles, sternal pain, sprung ribs, tennis elbow
Bowen is also useful for:
Autism, ADD / ADHD, colic in infants, bedwetting, gynecological issues (PMS, difficulty conceiving, menopausal symptoms), headaches-including migraines, hiatus hernia, reflux, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, rehabilitation after stroke, respiratory problems-including asthma, some cardiovascular problems. In general it balances the body and assists the body in healing itself.
There are no contraindications that would keep a person from receiving Bowtech sessions. Bowtech is approriate and beneficial, from immediately after birth to just before death.
There are, however, a few procedures that are contraindicated in specific circumstances:
The “Coccyx Procedure” is not done on pregnant women. The “TMJ Procedure” is not done on people whose jaws have been surgically altered at the condyles. The “Breast Tenderness Procedure” is not done on women with breast implants.
Contact Lyn to find out more about Bowen Therapy and how it can help you.